Friday, December 31, 2010
Selamat tahun Baru 2011 kepada semua kawan aku dan jugak kepada follower aku dan jugak kepada semua yang semua rakyat Malaysia!Tahun ni dah macam2 segala perkara2 yang bagus berlaku.Takpe,benda dah ,lepas nak wat camna kan betul tak?Bermulanya tahun baru,mestila Azam baru kan?kepada yang azam tahun lepas yang "tak terlaksana!"( bak kata lirik lagu Pari-pari di Bawah Angin-Meet Uncle Hussain) takpe bawak ke tahun 2011 ni.Macam ade kawan aku tu kata "Azam tahun lepas,dibawa kepada tahun ni".Serius aku tak tipu.tahun 2011 ni kalau nak wat macam2 semua boleh.Tapi buat yang perkara baik sudah...Korang nak kahwin,nak buat"Rock Tour",nak Reunion ke apa2la...jnji yang TERBAIK!!!So,aku tak nak cakap banyak tapi aku wish sekali lagi "Selamat Tahun Baru 2011"!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tahun 2010 yang BEST...BEST KE?
Sekali aku REVIEW untuk tahun ni aku rase CAMBEST je.Tapi ade je yang tak best,tahun ni aku ambik PMR huhuhu.Tahun ni aku rase paling best sebab macam2 aku dapat!Aku dapat air bikarbonat( ayat skema je),majalah hiburan semuanya FREE!!!Thanks la kepada pemberi2nya.Korang ROCKS!!!Pastu pulak,aku dapat main futsal ngan Band INDIE!!!Gempak tak???Orang yang tak merasa,tak boleh nak kate apela..MUAHAHAHA...Aku main futsal ngan band Seven Collar T-Shirt,Stonebay,Romancesa pastu pulak boleh ambik gambar sama2...FUH~[ bak kate ayat Awal Ashaari dalam Rancangan Fuhh].Gempak3!!!Tak tidur dalam 112 jam[ korban PMR] pun satu pencapaian yang menakjubkan dalam hidup aku la.Banyak lagila tahun 2010 yang BEST2 bagi aku.Nilah yang BEST dalam hidup aku.RESULTS PMR???BEST jugak.Alhamdulillah
Monday, December 27, 2010
Aku tengok kawasan aku duk dah lama membangun...semenjak MB sini kate Selangor maju 2010 katakan.Kemudahan apetah sume tu bangun nagn pesat.Awal tahun ni je dah cam2 perubahan berlaku kat kawasab aku.Aku celik mata,dah ade Ole-Ole Seksyen 18,Mydin Mart dan Giant dan wujudnya restoran2 yang ade baru dan juga aku tak pernah dengar sebelum ni.Tapi, ade Ole-Ole tu pun bagus gak,cause ade tempat main bowling,Arcade[tempat main game cam sebelah wayang Sunway],kedai muzik dan banyak lagila!Nak beli majalah yang tak pernah jumpa pun boleh!Banding ngan Giant,mungkin benda ni susah sikit nak jumpa.Tapi ape yang aku nak citer kat sini ialah,ade satu Supermarket besar[tak besar sangat pun,sebenarnya] yang baru wujud namenya Carrefour,Serius aku tak tipu!Carrefour tu boleh aku katakan depan rumah aku je...( takdela depan sangat)Tapi haritu 19 Dec 2010, aku pergila Carrefour tu ngan member aku naik motor...Sesampai sane,aku tengok,besar giler dough!Tapi aku tak tipula...Aku tengok ade satu tempat ni orang duk kecoh2,aku ingat apela...rupanya ade Siti Nurhaliza yang penyanyi tu.Giler pun tak sial,Pelik bin Ajaib,aku tengok beliau promote dianya product Simply Siti...bagus2...Then aku jalan2la dalam tu..yang bestnya dapat "FREE MEAL" daripada Air,Roti, camtula...huhuhu...kalau hari2 pergi sini kan best!Tapi aku takdela cam 'peminta' makanan orang...Aku jalan2 pulang sampai kat tempat Siti wat promote haritu.tempat jual novel yang diadaptasi.Aku tengok yang beli tu mesti Giler2 ngan cerita dari novel tu.Then lepas aku dah 'bosan' aku pun balik selepas tu.Huhuhu,bestnya.Sorry kalau lambat update.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Aku dan Perkahwinan.
Aku dan Perkahwinan...huhuhu...bukan aku yang nak kawen tapi aku yang pergi rumah orang kahwin....Kalau ade hujung minggu je mesti ade orang kawen...kalo takde kahwin maksudnya kena takde hujung minggula jawabnya...hahaha.Tapi takpe...kalo kalau aku kata asrama nanti takde la aku pergi kawen lagi...huhuhu...Aku pergila kawen kat2 Rumah yang sebelah Masjid tu...aku pergila naik motor.Tetibanya aku sampai kat sana aku jumpa tuan rumah tu jemput aku.Aku pergila ngan member aku beratur.Member aku beratur depan sekali tinggalkan aku.Yang aku duk tunggu beratur,tietibe ade plak perempuan2 datang mencelah depan aku...Tiga plak tu!Tapi takpe,aku utamakan "LADIES FIRST".Aku tengok ladies tu cantik gak!Boleh tahan.Tapi aku bukanla yang suka menggatal.dah habis ambik makanan tu aku pun pergi duk makan.Makan dan Air Hijau.Tah apetah Hijau tu,member aku air KIWI.Aku sempatla ambik Lollipop satu.Wah,aku tengok girls,kat Lollipos tu cantik,tapi takpela...Then,sebelum aku balik,aku sempat tengok pasangan yang kahwin tu.. Sama padan!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Aku ni COOL...
Aku memang COOL.Ceh,macam poyo je nak tunjuk2 yang aku ni COOL.Cuma orang tak kenal aku je kata aku tak COOL.Kenapa aku kata aku COOL???Sebab aku lahir lagi...( cehwah!).Tapi aku rasa word yang sesuai nak describe tentang aku ialah COOL la,...manade benda lain.Cam Handsome,Stylo,Comel..aku rasa semua ni tak sesuaila,...tapi kalau orang kata aku CUTE,aku boleh pikir2 lagi....hehehe...
Ramai orang kata aku," COOL ke kau..?" cam poyo je aku tengok! Tapi kalau yang girls tu memang paham2 jela..Mana taknya...semua nak backup laki diorang la apa2lah...Tapi kalau korang tengok aku tulis kat blog ni sempoi je,,,takde tulis cam karangan yang melebihi 350 patah kata tu...
Macam ayat tu kalau aku kata aku mampu jadi COOL,sebab aku pikir aku boleh COOL.Korang pun boleh jugak nak tulis atau apa2 la yang korang rasa korang tu cantik ke apa2la.Ni ha,antara yang COOL kat blog.
Ramai orang kata aku," COOL ke kau..?" cam poyo je aku tengok! Tapi kalau yang girls tu memang paham2 jela..Mana taknya...semua nak backup laki diorang la apa2lah...Tapi kalau korang tengok aku tulis kat blog ni sempoi je,,,takde tulis cam karangan yang melebihi 350 patah kata tu...
They are able because they think they are able.-Virgil
Macam ayat tu kalau aku kata aku mampu jadi COOL,sebab aku pikir aku boleh COOL.Korang pun boleh jugak nak tulis atau apa2 la yang korang rasa korang tu cantik ke apa2la.Ni ha,antara yang COOL kat blog.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Most beautiful Ever
The most beautiful ever is ourselves.I mean pure ourselves.No matter what male or female, no need to use botox,beauty pill,beauty shot at your cheek,chin or your breast or something like that.You know the pure beauty is much better than use all those side substances.If you use your pure beauty than the side substances,you will be admire by someone.TRUST ME,but I'm not beautiful,,,but handsome a little bit.Eventhough you use the substance, you will get trouble of it if you don't know the side effects.Last but not least,don't try to use the substances.BUT.You can use it if your body or whatever disability.Then you can use.To me,like a female, no need to enlarge your breast or your to admire male.(Sorry female outside there who feels disturbed or annoying by my word this,,Sorry!)Cause you know God's has created us with beautiful,cute,handsome face and much more.Thank You.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Accidental Meeting...Can I meet her again???
Actually I write this because I have met my beautiful-gorgeous girl.I have been wanted to see her for along time until that day.The story begins,when the girl called me to take part in the games up the stage.But I won't.CAN U JUST BELIEVE WHAT I SAY???Oh,God!Then the "chanced" got for another man.Actually,On the stage there had dance games and looking for a partner.It's up female or male can take part but its limited.I watched from audience sit.I watched them dance with broken hearted,While on the stage is "happy-go-lucky" dance.I think I wanted to stop that games,but I can't.(the dance)After The games ended,I realized, why not me up there.Why I'm being so stupid to let the "chance" go?The girl raised up her hand and aims me,but i won't .Actually this is not the points,the points is Can I Meet Her Again???It bit akward to write this,but this is me.
I guess guys outside there have been some same feelings like me before.Right?Girls too.I know where she lived.She lived in area of my country.I have been waiting her for a long time to date with me.If God' s will,why not right?Look at this poster movie.Next year,this drama television will hits cinema in my country and come out with NurKasih The Movie ( 2011).You can watched this drama at NUR KASIH for epidose 1 and so on until finished.
The stroy told a name Nur to search her husband Adam along wih journey life and studies after marriage.First they met in Saudi Arabia then when her husband had to leave for demand work at overseas.Then Nur, was shocked by the death of her husband at Hotel where her husband stayed.But, she stand stills that her husband not death.The guard there also together searched for her husband after Adam's brother Aidil asked to do so.In the end of the story,after recent years had passed, Adam met Nur in train.Then they hugs together and lived happily.How sweets, if you can imagine it.If the girl that I love like this,I have been look after him even marry him if God's will.Finally , before she leaved I wanted to take a picture with her but her body guard didn't allowed me.The girl can only said to me ..."I'm sorry... if there is a provision we meet again...".
This is TRUE STORY...and I'm not make story.I accepted what she said.But many times,I thought, can i meet again?Can I???I hope God's can determined me towards TRUE LOVE and SUCCESS in life.I was touched too to write this post.I think I'm cannot continue it.Thank You.( touched )
I guess guys outside there have been some same feelings like me before.Right?Girls too.I know where she lived.She lived in area of my country.I have been waiting her for a long time to date with me.If God' s will,why not right?Look at this poster movie.Next year,this drama television will hits cinema in my country and come out with NurKasih The Movie ( 2011).You can watched this drama at NUR KASIH for epidose 1 and so on until finished.
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This is TRUE STORY...and I'm not make story.I accepted what she said.But many times,I thought, can i meet again?Can I???I hope God's can determined me towards TRUE LOVE and SUCCESS in life.I was touched too to write this post.I think I'm cannot continue it.Thank You.( touched )
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
"Ashita Harerukana" ~ "Akan Esok Cerah"~"Be Sunny Tomorrow"
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This drama is 100% production of japan Made.The drama told story about Kenzo Iwase (Tomohisa Yamashita ) who loves and attached with Rei Yoshida (Masami Nagasawa) since primary school and wanted if he can reverse the time and loves Rei back.When first time he sees one young cute little face girl named,Rei Yoshida come to school,he started to love and even take care of him and make a promise to her family.Who says boys or man doesn't watch LOVE STORY???I watched!They learned together until graduated together on same college.Looks that!What a beauty if I get a gilfriend liked him.How that it can be?To me if God's will,everything will happens.TRUST ME. However, Kenzo when I wanted to Propose his gilfriend Rei Yoshida,his gilfriends had to marry with another man.So Sad To Say. Pity for Kenzo..He was touched,by his speech in the ballroom,and cry after that.Thens,he leaves from the ballroom, in depressed.Rei, Nana Eikura (栄倉奈々) as Eri Oku,Gaku Hamada () as Hisashi Tsurumi and his friends look alike Taja Meet Uncle Hussain, Naohito Fujiki () as Tetsuya Tada were touches too.Rei was crying and touched by the speech.At the end,everyone give Kenzo big applause to him.But the ending of the story,[SPECIAL EPISODE]Kenzo finds Rei he tells everything the truth to his ex-girlfriend plus,wanted apologize from his and say he loves she.Rei accept the apologize and allow Kenzo to kiss him at the end.How sweet if I as Kenzo.Here below the theme song of the story,Hope you enjoy it!SERIOULY I SAID,IF U LISTENING TO THIS SOUND WITH YOUR DEEP HEART,YOU WILL CRY.I HAVE SAID ALREADY,DON'T SAID I'M NOT WARNED YOU.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ask me anything
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
~Lollipop,I and all~
I love to eat lollipop :) ).Well,who doesn't love to eat it right?Actually I'm post this, not to say lollipop only I' love eat.I guess everyone love it right?I'm love strawberry ,orange,pineapple and all flavour.Mostly strawberry.When my mother bring me to supermarket,the last things that I request is the Lolipop.Sounds weird right when boy or man love lollipop even they grown up?But this candy not only girl loves it...male too!Actually,this kind of candy too can make love in its.By eating with all your heart But take a look this picture first.
See,K-POP artiste too loves lollipop.that's ,mean all ages,boys and female loves to eat lollipop.For those who think eat lollipop,such a "children things",don't eat it.I write this to say that I'm love eat Lollipop.
Anyway You can buy lollipop for your couples.But the good "moments" when he/she had trouble.I sure that he/she will think you are the best mate at that time.Perharps,he/she will love you think you know he/she know how to release his/her trouble.By eating lollipop right?Not at time he/she serious mood.TRY THAT WAY,I THINK YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT.I have try its,and its WORK!Trust me,I don't cheat or a liar in this blog.Look's for this COUPLE...isn't it look CUTE???: ) )
Well,Here only to the extent...I hope you try my "technique" that.Have FUN after you have success that.
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Anyway You can buy lollipop for your couples.But the good "moments" when he/she had trouble.I sure that he/she will think you are the best mate at that time.Perharps,he/she will love you think you know he/she know how to release his/her trouble.By eating lollipop right?Not at time he/she serious mood.TRY THAT WAY,I THINK YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT.I have try its,and its WORK!Trust me,I don't cheat or a liar in this blog.Look's for this COUPLE...isn't it look CUTE???: ) )
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Well,Here only to the extent...I hope you try my "technique" that.Have FUN after you have success that.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Salam Maal Hijrah 1432 Hijrah
Assalamualaikum,Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapakan Salam Maal Hijrah tahun 1432 Hijrah kepada semua yang beragama Islam...Alhamdulillah ke hadrat Ilahi kerana diberi nyawa,dan nafas untuk berada lagi dalam dunia fana ini.namun belum terlambat lagi untuk saya membuat ycapan sedemikian.Awal Muharam yang bermula selepas solat Maghrib( 6 Disember 2010) dalam kalendar Awal Muharam ( 7 Disember 2010) itu diharapkan dapat dijadikan iktibar dan pengajaran supaya jadi yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.Diharapkan juga supaya perangai kita pun dapat buat 'hijrah' sebagaimana azam2 yang telah dijanjikan.Sekian dari saya,Salam Maal Hijrah 1432H kepada semua yang beragama Islam.Diharapkan lagi supaya dapat jadi "lebih baik dari sebelum ini".Wassalam.
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Saturday, December 4, 2010
Tips2 nak jadi famous ye betul tu!Sapa tak nak jadi famous ye tak?Saya pun nak!Kalian pun nak!Betul tak?Bukan nak poyo, tapi sesetengah orang tak tau camne nak famous,sekali lagi bukan nak poyo ok!Ni ada beberapa tips nak jadi famous macam di bawah ni..
Comel kan WONDERGIRLS tu?Mestila...betul tak?Lebih2 lagi Sunny ( Wondergirls )tu.Taylor Swift pulak CUTE( blogger ni,sebenarnya suka beliau, ) betul tak?Jawapannya absolutely!Ni dia tips2 nak jadi FAMOUS:
Fasa pertama:Cari dulu bakat apa yang korang ade atau pndai.Cam nyanyi ke,menari ke,buat lawak ke,main gitar and buat band ke apa2la.
Fasa kedua:Asah bakat korang .contoh pandai nyanyi,buat latihan nyanyian yang berterusan ( tanpa henti,hehehe).STOP bila Azan.Kerana menyahut seruan Maha Esa.Futsal pulak camtula....mainla ngan kawan2...kot2 boleh jadi cam David Beckham,Lionel Messi ke.
Fasa ketiga:Tunjuk bakat korang.Pandai wat lawak cam Johan dan Zizan tu?Tunjukla depan kawan2, saudara2, monyet2 depan rumah ke...manala tahu diorang gelak ke...Kalau dirang gelak,maksud korang dah upgrade.Macam tu jugak ngan kalau korang nyanyi,kalau diorang response ,"SEDAPLA KO NYANYI..."
bagusla tu.Kalau diorang tak response,berlatih lagi...atau paksa diorang supaya response korang!kalau korang LULUS tiga tu,teruskan yang di bawah ni.
Fasa keempat: Masukla pertandingan atau "PROMOTE DIRI".Kalau nak FAMOUS,mestila kena "promote diri" masuk ape2( competition).Masukla cam dance competition,singing competition apa2 la drawing/colouring competition(untuk budak2,kalau dewasa terpulang lah) ke..kalau masuk bawak group (untuk hilangkan rasa nervous system korang ) lagi bagus !kalau cam audition, terpilih tu boleh katakan Tahniaah la untuk korang!Menang tu lain citer pulak.Cam competition cam ni ke...
Fasa kelima:Buat Fan Page:Kita sekarang ade cam2 rangkaian "the social network" cam Facebook,Twitter,Myspace,Friendster apa2la...Selalulah post contoh hari ni ade LIVE perfomance kat TV ( kalau pertandingan realiti )Postla jgak nak bagi tiket FREE,belanja makan ke apa2...yang penting ade Fan Page!Lagi satu, Dalam pertandingan tu buatla sungguh2 jangan hampakan peminat korang tu.Ingat diorang sentiasa SUPPORT KORANG.
Fasa keenam:Dalam pertandingan tu buat sungguh2!!!Contoh DJ Spins competition,buatla muzik DJ yang baru dan fresh dan kasi "BOOM" sikit..bukannnya bom tu.Buat sampai tahap yang korang rasa tertinggi.Kalau kalah jangan berhenti pulak,usaha lagi!Macam American Idol, tu yang menang bukannya FAMOUS sangat...yang "pengkalah" tu yang lagi FAMOUS berbanding ngan FAMOUS David Archuletta la...dapat Runner-UP AI 7( tak silapla )....tengok camna dia sekarang.
Fasa ketujuh:FAMOUS:Janganla lupa peminat pulak ye!Especially yang tukang mengajar ni.Ingat FAMOUS ni bukannya dalam perkara tak elok atau bukan2 ye!Saya berharap kalian dapat mencuba serba-serbi tips2 ni.Selamat Mencuba!
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Comel kan WONDERGIRLS tu?Mestila...betul tak?Lebih2 lagi Sunny ( Wondergirls )tu.Taylor Swift pulak CUTE( blogger ni,sebenarnya suka beliau, ) betul tak?Jawapannya absolutely!Ni dia tips2 nak jadi FAMOUS:
Fasa pertama:Cari dulu bakat apa yang korang ade atau pndai.Cam nyanyi ke,menari ke,buat lawak ke,main gitar and buat band ke apa2la.
Fasa kedua:Asah bakat korang .contoh pandai nyanyi,buat latihan nyanyian yang berterusan ( tanpa henti,hehehe).STOP bila Azan.Kerana menyahut seruan Maha Esa.Futsal pulak camtula....mainla ngan kawan2...kot2 boleh jadi cam David Beckham,Lionel Messi ke.
Fasa ketiga:Tunjuk bakat korang.Pandai wat lawak cam Johan dan Zizan tu?Tunjukla depan kawan2, saudara2, monyet2 depan rumah ke...manala tahu diorang gelak ke...Kalau dirang gelak,maksud korang dah upgrade.Macam tu jugak ngan kalau korang nyanyi,kalau diorang response ,"SEDAPLA KO NYANYI..."
bagusla tu.Kalau diorang tak response,berlatih lagi...atau paksa diorang supaya response korang!kalau korang LULUS tiga tu,teruskan yang di bawah ni.
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Fasa keenam:Dalam pertandingan tu buat sungguh2!!!Contoh DJ Spins competition,buatla muzik DJ yang baru dan fresh dan kasi "BOOM" sikit..bukannnya bom tu.Buat sampai tahap yang korang rasa tertinggi.Kalau kalah jangan berhenti pulak,usaha lagi!Macam American Idol, tu yang menang bukannya FAMOUS sangat...yang "pengkalah" tu yang lagi FAMOUS berbanding ngan FAMOUS David Archuletta la...dapat Runner-UP AI 7( tak silapla )....tengok camna dia sekarang.
Fasa ketujuh:FAMOUS:Janganla lupa peminat pulak ye!Especially yang tukang mengajar ni.Ingat FAMOUS ni bukannya dalam perkara tak elok atau bukan2 ye!Saya berharap kalian dapat mencuba serba-serbi tips2 ni.Selamat Mencuba!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"When talents is everything"
Betul, "When talents is everything".Kenapa betul?Cause ramai yang telah berjaya kerana bakat.Di sini bakat adalah segala2nya.Bukan jadi blogger je...macam penyanyi,pelukis, n apa2 je la...Macam saya, bakat tu takdela sangat tapi adela sikit2...bakat yang "terpendam".Sebenarnya bagi orang yang "bijak", mereka akan mencipta sesuatu yang boleh buat duit.Nak jadi penyanyi ke,penulis ke ( tulis citer2 yang best jelah), penari saya kata.."Sesuatu yang boleh buat duit".Contohnya di Malaysia macam2 bakat telah dihasilkan oleh beberapa golongan yang dikatakan "INDIE" .Mereka ni boleh dikatakan pandai dalam pembuatan lagu misalnya...tanpa harapkan komposer ke penulis lirik ke...Biarla sedap ke,tak sedap ke, meletup ke, tapi mesej yang nak sampai kat peminat tu sampai.Adeje lagu bukan tak sedap didengar, masuk je Radio yang ternama kat Malaysia ni.Kira nak promosila...lau diorang tu...
Gambar bawah ni gambar band yang aku minat giler2la...Iaitu HUJAN
Kalau sapa2peminat dengar lagu dia.saya boleh katakan "Menusuk kalbu" la...kalau yang berjiwa rockla! Lagu band ni semuanye takde yang menghampakan...Aku pikir jugak,nak beli ke tak? album baru band ni yang baru launch haritu tajuknya "LONELY SOLDIER BOY".Aku minat giler habis band ni!Keep rocking you, HUJAN!!!
NI pulak dance crew yang tak pernah buat aku disappointed.Mana taknya...diorang boleh wat Windmills,UFO,Helicopter,Arm Waves,Back Crawl n macam2 lagi.Tu semua jenis2 moves dia la.
Masa saya tengok kat Showdown dulu dari mula sampai sekarang ni,diorang punya moves banyak yang improve and bertambah.Kalau aku jadi mereka,dapatlah aku famous...pikir jugak,bila aku dapat jadi famous tah kisahla pape2..
Cause that I say "When talents is Everything " can make money about it.If you have talents, try to improve at what your talents good for.I don't know what your talents, but Gods know the right, cause talents is a gifts from Him.Believe it in yourself to make it reality after your Gods.
Jadi saya nak jugak famous cam diorang,pape2 pun kepada pembaca yang membaca entri ni,Doakanlah saya semoga berjaya dapat mendapat keputusan yang diharapkan iaitu 8A dalam PMR 2010 ini InsyaAllah...Doakanlah ye!
Gambar bawah ni gambar band yang aku minat giler2la...Iaitu HUJAN
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Masa saya tengok kat Showdown dulu dari mula sampai sekarang ni,diorang punya moves banyak yang improve and bertambah.Kalau aku jadi mereka,dapatlah aku famous...pikir jugak,bila aku dapat jadi famous tah kisahla pape2..
Cause that I say "When talents is Everything " can make money about it.If you have talents, try to improve at what your talents good for.I don't know what your talents, but Gods know the right, cause talents is a gifts from Him.Believe it in yourself to make it reality after your Gods.
Jadi saya nak jugak famous cam diorang,pape2 pun kepada pembaca yang membaca entri ni,Doakanlah saya semoga berjaya dapat mendapat keputusan yang diharapkan iaitu 8A dalam PMR 2010 ini InsyaAllah...Doakanlah ye!
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